We hereby invite nomination of candidates for the EFMC Young Medicinal Chemist Symposium (EFMC-YMCS), to be held in Athens, Greece, September 5-6, 2019 (www.efmc-ymcs.org), immediately after the 8th EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC-ASMC 2019, https://www.efmc-asmc.org). The conference gives talented young medicinal chemists at the PhD/junior postdoc level the opportunity to present their project to an international audience, to build an international network and to compete for the EFMC Prize for a Young Medicinal Chemist in Academia.
- Relevant candidates have worked in projects in medicinal chemistry in a broad sense (including chemical biology, modelling and synthetic methods relevant to medicinal chemistry).
- Qualified candidates are no more than 30 years old or have received their PhD degree within the last two years.
- Candidates are nominated by their PhD or postdoc supervisor (principal or co-supervisor).
- To nominate a candidate, the supervisor must submit the candidate’s CV and publication list together with a brief justification to contact@dsmkb.dk no later than 1 June
- No later than 7 June, the selected candidates will receive an invitation to present their project at the Chemical Society Annual Meeting in Copenhagen on 27 June, where the Danish national candidate to YMCS will be selected. The selection and announcement of the national winner will be performed by a committee.
Vi inviterer herved til nominering af kandidater til EFMC Young Medicinal Chemist Symposium (EFMC-YMCS), som i år arrangeres i Athen, Grækenland , September 5-6, 2019 (www.efmc-ymcs.org), i forlængelse af det 8. EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC-ASMC 2019, https://www.efmc-asmc.org). Arrangementet giver talentfulde unge medicinalkemikere på PhD/junior postdoc niveau chancen til at præsentere sit projekt for et internationalt publikum og bygge en internationalt netværk, samt konkurrere om prisen EFMC Prize for a Young Medicinal Chemist in Academia.
- Relevante kandidater har arbejdet med projekter med tilknytning til medicinalkemi i bred forstand (inkl. kemisk biologi, modellering og syntesemetoder af relevans for medicinalkemi)
- Kvalificerede kandidater er maksimalt 30 år eller har en maksimalt 2 år gammel PhD-grad.
- Kandidater nomineres af PhD- eller postdoc-vejleder (hoved- eller medvejleder).
- Nominering sker ved at vejleder sender kandidatens CV og publikationsliste, samt en kort begrundelse til contact@dsmkb.dk senest 1. juni.
- De udvalgte kandidater vil inden den 7. juni modtage invitation til at præsentere sit projekt ved Kemisk Forenings årsmøde i København den 27. juni, hvor den endelige kandidat til YMCS vil kåres. Udvælgelsen og den endelige kåring foretages af en bedømmelseskomité.