To members of the Danish Society for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology (DSMKB)
Notice is hereby given that the ordinary annual general meeting of the DSMKB will be held on Tuesday, 16th November at 2:00 pm. The general meeting will be held in room 015, building 206, DTU, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby and via Zoom:
1. Election of chairman of the meeting and minute writer.
2. Report by the chairman of the board regarding activities during the past year and ideas and plans for next year.
3. Presentation by the treasurer of the audited annual report for adoption, and an overview of the financial prospects for next year.
4. Report by the DSMKB representative of the Chemical Society board of representatives.
5. Reports by committees appointed by the board of directors.
6. Proposals from the board of directors.
7. Proposals from the members.
8. Membership fee.
9. Election of board members.
10. Election of auditor and deputy auditor.
11. AOB.
Regarding item 6, the board of directors proposes two amendments to the bylaws. The board proposes that:
- ”§4. Bestyrelse” is changed from the current wording:
Selskabet ledes af en bestyrelse bestående af minimum fire medlemmer, der vælges af generalforsamlingen. Bestyrelsesmedlemmer vælges for 3 år. Der er ingen begrænsning for, hvor mange gange et medlem kan genvælges til bestyrelsen.
Selskabet ledes af en bestyrelse bestående af minimum fire medlemmer, der vælges af generalforsamlingen. Bestyrelsesmedlemmer vælges for 3 år. Et medlem kan genvælges til bestyrelsen maksimalt to gange. Det bør tilsigtes, at ikke alle bestyrelsesmedlemmer er på valg samme år. - The agenda for the general meeting ”§7. Generalforsamling”, item 10, is changed from Valg af revisor og revisorsuppleant to Valg af revisor.
Proposals that you wish to submit to the annual general meeting must be submitted to the chairman Trond Ulven no later than 6th November.
Best regards on behalf of the board
Andreas Ritzén, 25th October 2021